Write to ACHIEVE

Hello, Fellow Thought Leader

Are you passionate about business, marketing, music, or tech? Fantastic! We invite you to share your invaluable insights on ACHIEVE with Stalin Kay. Read on to discover how you can amplify your voice and gain exposure in your field.

Why Write for Us?

  • Expand Your Reach: Your article will be seen by a community of like-minded professionals and enthusiasts.
  • Build Your Portfolio: Showcase your expertise and add a prestigious publication to your resume.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with industry leaders and our growing community.

What We’re Looking For

We’re on the hunt for articles that offer our readers actionable strategies to turn their business aspirations into tangible achievements. Here’s what you should focus on:

  1. Be Original: Your article must be your own work. Plagiarism is a no-go, but referencing other articles is encouraged.
  2. Stay On Topic: Make sure your article fits into one of our core topics—business, marketing, music, or tech.
  3. Quality Matters: We value well-researched, insightful, and polished articles. Aim for at least 800 words.

Suggested Topics to Explore for Guest Contributors

Wondering what to write about? You’re in the right place. Below are some topics that resonate with our audience and align with the core themes of ACHIEVE with Stalin Kay. Feel free to explore these topics or propose your own ideas that align with our focus on business, marketing, music, technology, art, growth hacking, and sales funnels.

Business Topics for Guest Writers

  • Scaling Your Business: Proven strategies for business growth and expansion.
  • Business Ethics: How to build a business with integrity and values.
  • Smart Investment Strategies: Making informed decisions for business growth.
  • Growth Hacking in Business: Innovative tactics to accelerate business growth.
  • Mastering Sales Funnels: How to optimize your sales process for maximum conversion.

Marketing Topics for Aspiring Contributors

  • SEO Best Practices: Elevate your online presence through search engine optimization.
  • Social Media Marketing Strategies: Effective ways to engage different platforms.
  • Content Marketing Insights: Creating valuable, relevant content to attract your target audience.
  • Growth Hacking Techniques: Quick, impactful strategies to boost marketing ROI.
  • Sales Funnels Explained: A guide to creating and optimizing effective sales funnels.

Music in Business Topics for Writers

  • Music in Marketing: How the right tunes can elevate your brand and customer experience.
  • Music Licensing for Businesses: Legal considerations for using music in your marketing.
  • Music and Productivity: Enhancing workplace efficiency through music.
  • Blending Technology with Music: How tech innovations like AI and IoT are revolutionizing music in business settings.

Art in Business Topics for Guest Contributors

  • Art and Branding: How visual arts can define and elevate your brand.
  • Art in Marketing: Utilizing art to create compelling marketing campaigns.
  • Technology in Art: How emerging technologies like AI and VR are reshaping the art world.

Technology Topics for Writers

  • Emerging Tech Trends: Stay ahead with insights on AI, blockchain, and IoT.
  • Cybersecurity Essentials: Safeguarding your business in the digital age.
  • Must-Have Tech for Business: Software and tools for efficient operations.

Cross-Disciplinary Topics for Aspiring Contributors

  • Business and Music: Turning your musical talent into a profitable venture.
  • Marketing and Technology: Leveraging tech tools to supercharge your marketing.
  • Music and Marketing: The art and science of using music to enhance your marketing strategies.
  • Art and Technology: How technology is influencing and expanding artistic expression.
  • Growth Hacking Across Disciplines: Innovative strategies that apply to multiple fields.
  • Sales Funnels in Different Industries: How sales funnels can be adapted and optimized across various sectors.

Getting Started: The Technical Stuff

Our site is built with Zola, and we use Markdown for articles. If you’re new to Markdown, don’t sweat it; it’s a breeze to learn!

Article Metadata

Include these details at the top of your Markdown file:

title: "Your Captivating Title Here"
description: "A brief summary of your article's key takeaways."
date: YYYY-MM-DD
    - Stalin Kay
    - Marketing
    - Technology

About You

Let our readers know who’s behind the brilliance:

title: Stalin Kay
slug: stalinkay
  image: stalin-kay-portrait-square-yellow.jpg
    stackoverflow: 338368/stalinkay
    facebook: stalinkay
    twitter: stalinkay
    github: stalinkay
    medium: "@stalinkay"
Stalin Kay is a digital pioneer with over 15 years of experience in Marketing, Music, and Technology. In 2008, he left a minimum-wage job to launch his first online business, quickly finding success in the Apple App Store. Since then, he has empowered hundreds of entrepreneurs and brands in realizing tangible online success.
Your bio goes here. Make it snappy!

Ready to Make an Impact?

Zip your article folder and email it to Our review process typically takes up to two weeks, and we’ll notify you once your article is live.

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If you’re as passionate about these topics as we are, consider becoming a regular contributor. Follow ACHIEVE with Stalin Kay on Twitter/X and email us at

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